Browsing ÁOK Klinikai Idegtudományok Doktori Iskola by Title
Now showing items 12-31 of 44
Correlates of Neurocognitive and Social-cognitive Functioning in Major Depressive Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder
(2021-06-01)The role of neurocognitive and social-cognitive abilities in psychiatric disorders received much attention in clinical research over the past decades. This thesis examines the correlates of neurocognitive and social-cognitive ... -
Effectiveness of Traumatic Brain Injury Management Guideline Introduction in Hungary and Risk factors of External Ventricular Drain Infection
(2019-10-15)Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability in the world harbouring significant public health and socio-economic importance. TBI is estimated to be the primary cause of death and disability among ... -
Gyermekneurológiai kórképek: a jóindulatú paroxysmalis jelenségektől a súlyos cerebralis paresisig
(2020-02-11)Paediatric neurology is one of the most far-reaching and interesting fields of medicine. It deals with newborns, infants, children, and adolescents requiring acute, intensive or chronic care, and this is what makes it ... -
Identification of novel predictive biomarkers in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
(2023-02-21)Acute stroke is a leading cause of death and one of the most common causes of permanent disability worldwide. In our country around 26,000 stroke cases occur each year, placing a significant burden on both healthcare and ... -
Imaging Tryptophan Metabolism in Human Brain Tumors
(2018-12-04)Brain tumors are relatively rare in adults but represent the most common solid tumors in children. In all ages, brain tumors carry a significant mortality, and, therefore, are considered to be a major health care issue. ... -
Internetfüggőség és kiégés a középiskolai oktatásban
(2022-02-01) -
Interpretation of Hemingway in Psychoses: a New Method to Study Social Cognition
(2020-12-01)Schizophrenia, a severe and disabling brain disorder, is affecting 0,85% (0,4–1,4%) of the general population. It is frequently a life-long and deteriorating disorder. Schizophrenia begins in early adulthood, and the ... -
Investigation of Migraine-related Intracerebral White Matter Lesions
(2019-10-15)Migraine is defined by the International Headache Society (IHS) as a recurrent primary headache disorder, usually unilateral and pulsatile in nature with moderate to severe pain, with attacks lasting for 4-72 hours, and ... -
Mély agyi stimuláció szerepe a mozgászavarok kezelésében
(2016-02-02) -
Molekuláris és funkcionális biomarkerek vizsgálata dystrophia myotonicában
(2022-04-05)Az izomdystrophiák a vázizom örökletes, progresszív degenerációját okozó betegségek, mely során az idegi struktúrák megkíméltek maradnak. A betegségcsoportot szimmetrikus izomgyengeség- és atrophia jellemzi, ennek ... -
Mozgászavarok klinikai vizsgálata
(2019-10-15)Movement disorders refers to diseases of the central nervous system where the movement is disrupted and/or involuntary abnormal movements occures, while the sensory and primary motor functions relatively well. The most ... -
Multimodality neuroimaging in migraine and brain tumors