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dc.contributor.authorKothencz, Kelemen
dc.description.abstractLegal ethnographic data of the Baja area divorce proceedings in the mid-19th century ln his study, the author examines the legal ethnographic data in the legal trials of the Holy See preserved in the archives of the Archdiocese of Kalocsa. With the help of micro-historical methods, we can better understand the relationship between the intellectuals (parish priests, teachers, notaries, etc.) and other groups (craftsmen, merchants, peasants, etc.) of local society, their customs, legal customs, morals and norms. With the help of the sources studied, it is possible to trace the methods used by the church administration to deal with the conflicts that arose in the communities, and how the process of separation took place in the settlements studied. From the testimonies of the witnesses at the tribunals of the Archbishop's Holy See, certain principles of social control and sanctions can be discerned. Among the different levels of attitude to work, personal attitude, mindset, interest, motivation and diligence were also reported.
dc.subjectlegal ethnographic
dc.subjectdivorce proceedings
dc.subjectpeasant morals and norms
dc.subjectwork ethics
dc.subjectsocial control and sanction
dc.subjectArchbishop's Holy See lawsuit
dc.titleJogi néprajzi adatok a Baja környéki 19. század közepi válóperekben
dc.identifier.containertitleÉlő jogszokások: Jogi néprajzi, jogtörténeti és jogi kultúrtörténeti tanulmányok
dc.identifier.containerpublisherPécsi Tudományegyetem KPVK

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