dc.description.abstract | In the annuel budgets of the city of Pécs between 1872 and 1914, revenues from city property were divided into five groups. The first group included revenues from the city’s property – the hundreds of acres of Megyer-puszta, urban pastures, urban factories, and urban buildings. The second group included revenues from the city’s 4,262 cadastral hungarian acres forests. The third group included interest on the city’s cash and securities. The fourth group included excise, duties and fees levied by the city with the permission of the state. The most important of these were incomes from the sale of spirits, wine, beer, the holding of markets and fairs, and the use of roads and railways. The fifth group included the income that arose after the pub law was acquired by the state in 1890: state compensation and various city tax supplements. Overall, revenues from urban property in the years 1870-1880 approached, and sometimes even exceeded, 60% of budget revenues. In the 1890s, their proportion fell below 40%, increased to nearly 50% by the turn of the century, and then gradually decreased to about 30% by 1914. The result of urban wealth management has been future urbanization and infrastructure investiments, with the inevitable indebtedness at a disadvantage. | en |