Now showing items 1-10 of 152
Új, 3,4-diszubsztituált pirrolin nitroxidok szintézise és alkalmazása
A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Szerves és Gyógyszerkémiai Intézetében csaknem 60 éve végeznek
tudományos kutatómunkát a heterociklusos szerves vegyületek területén. Az 1970-es években
Dr. Hideg Kálmán a néhai Prof. Tigyi József ...
Ciklofoszfamid monoterápia mellékhatásainak, következményeinek vizsgálata állatkísérletes modellen DSC segítségével
In the 21st century, throughout developed countries, cardiovascular diseases are
followed by malignant tumors as the second leading cause of death. According to the data of
the Central Statistical office, while cardiovascular ...
Fej-nyaki daganatok mikrokörnyezetének molekuláris vizsgálata
More than 90% of head and neck cancers are squamous cell cancers with a 5-year survival rate of only around 60%. Tumors are often diagnosed in an advanced stage due to the lack of specific symptoms and diagnostic difficulties. ...
Gyulladás és oxidatív stressz hatása jelátviteli folyamatokra és membránrendszerek stabilitására
Toll-Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) plays an important role in initiating the innate immune response and its activation by the bacterial cell wall component endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide (LPS)) is responsible for chronic and acute ...
Cisztein származékok poliszulfidációjának biológiailag releváns mechanizmusai
The topic of my PhD research was the mechanistic investigation of signaling pathways mediated by hydrogen sulfide. For a long time, hydrogen sulfide was considered as a noxious gas due to the inhibition of mitochondrial ...
New Regulatory Mechanisms in Lipid Metabolism: from Polymorphisms of Triglyceride Uptake Systems to Mitochondrial Stability
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a major cause of death worldwide. The recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) revealed genetic polymorphisms associated with blood lipid level changes. Nowadays, special attention ...
Structural Dynamics and Physiological Processes of Actin Filament Length Regulator Proteins
Actin is a 42 kDa globular protein. Actin forms microfilaments in eukaryotic cells that are the major component of the cytoskeletal system. In muscle cells, actin filaments are the main component of thin filaments and work ...
Orvosi eszközfejlesztésben használható polimerek anyagtechnológiai vizsgálata additív gyártástechnológiák esetén
Today additive manufacturing technologies (AM – Additive Manufacturing) are emerging in both fields of science and industry. Specifically, highly tuned 3D printing technologies can be found in common households, thanks to ...
A nukleotidok és az aktinkötő fehérjék szerepe az aktin funkcionális konformációváltozásaiban
Actin is one of the main component in eukaryote cells which plays significant role in many cellular processes, like force-generation, maintenance of the shape of cells, celldivision cycle, and transport processes. Many ...
Coordination of Actin and Microtubule Dynamics by the Formin Protein Dishevelled-associated Activator of Morphogenesis
Essential components of the eukaryotic cells are the polymer networks built from protein subunits; including microfilaments (or actin filaments, AF), intermediate filaments (IF) and microtubules (MT). These cytoskeletal ...