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dc.contributor.authorPintér, Tamás
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the article. The main aim of this paper is to present the archontology of the officer corps of Baranya county. The study does not aim to provide a comprehensive overview of archontological research in the Hungarian counties, but the author merely attempts to place the archontology of Baranya County in the context of the other counties. Applied methods. As part of my work, I examined the composition of the county assembly from the assembly of April 1790 until the introduction of the new administrative system in 1850. The primary sources of my research were archival materials. First, I examined the minutes of the county assembly to determine the dates of the restorations. After the restorations, I also searched the county assembly protocols for officials who died or were appointed between the restorations. Using the death registers collected in the parishes, I determined exact date of death of officials and the appointment of the replacement. In cases where neither the records nor the registers were available, I consulted other archival sources, such as the records of the Insurgentions and families. Results. Archontologies can be analyzed scientifically in many areas. In my work, I only carried out basic statistical analyses. I examined and presented the 185 people who held officer positions in Baranya between 1790 and 1849. This list can be found at the end of the study. At the end of my work, I examined how the officers entered and left the county administration.
dc.subjectBaranya county
dc.subjectofficer corps
dc.subjectlocal elite
dc.titleArchontologie der Offizierkorps des Komitats Baranya (1790–1849)
dc.contributor.departmentBölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kar
dc.identifier.containertitleNew Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century
dc.identifier.containerpublisherWorking Group of Economic and Social History Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Pécs

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