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dc.contributor.authorKéri, Katalinhu
dc.identifiermtmtid 31337531
dc.description.abstractSzerző: Kéri Katalin | Cím: Tanítói egyletek a történeti Baranyában | Tudásmenedzsment (ISSN 1586-0698), XXI. évf., 2020/június, Különszám, 121-126. o. | Licenc: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 --- At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, as in other Western countries, hundreds of associations, including dozens of teachers' associations, were formed in Hungary. In terms of their objectives, the various national and local teacher associations, including those in Baranya County, agreed that their multiple task was to strengthen teachers' professionalism and their devotion of the profession, as well as to fight for the empowerment of educators and to provide space for teachers' self-education and in-service training. Regarding the wave of association formation in the initial period of dualism, it can be stated that by the end of the century it also subsided in relation to teacher associations, because not all previously formed associations proved to be viable. However, the decline in the desire to form an association may have been due to the constantly intertwined, rearranging association “movement” into larger associations, as well as to the recognition that the opportunities for teacher associations were limited in terms of advocacy. At the same time, however, it is clear that the members of the teachers' associations not only organized excursions and meetings, but also played an important role in the development of teacher professionalism in the age of dualism and in strengthening the foundations of their profession. Tárgyszavak: tanítói egylet, pedagógia, tanítói szakma, tanítói szervezet,hu
dc.subjecttanítói szervezethu
dc.subjecttanítói szakmahu
dc.subjecttanítói egylethu
dc.titleTanítói egyletek a történeti Baranyábanhu

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