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Elérhetővé téve ekkor2020-01-07T15:13:40Z
Szerző Farkas Péter István
Az értekezés nyelveMagyar
Az értekezés címe az értekezés nyelvénCiklofoszfamid monoterápia mellékhatásainak, következményeinek vizsgálata állatkísérletes modellen DSC segítségével
Az értekezés címe angolulExamination of the Side Effects and Consequences in Cyclophosphamide Monotherapy with DSC in Animal Models
Absztrakt az értekezés nyelvénIn the 21st century, throughout developed countries, cardiovascular diseases are followed by malignant tumors as the second leading cause of death. According to the data of the Central Statistical office, while cardiovascular diseases as the cause of death show a minimal declining trend, on the other hand, in contrast, the second most frequent cause of death, is the incidence of malignant tumors, of which, today, illustrates a slight upward trend. Due to the above tendencies, an increasing emphasis is placed on the cure and treatment of tumorous diseases. In the overwhelming majority of malignant spatial processes, the principal objective is the first in consideration of the total excision of the lesion. Unfortunately, in many cases, it is not possible, thus, irradiation, radiotherapy and chemotherapy play a key role depending on the characteristics of the tumor. Strikingly, both options possess risk, including serious side effects. Determining the proper dose during chemotherapy is mostly based on an improved method or in the consideration of developing international recommendations and standards. However, with respect to individualized, patient-tailored dosage, the specified treatment is not possible. In considering the pharmacokinetics of most medications and chemotherapeutic agents, which are influenced partially on a genetic basis or partially upon the current general wellbeing of the patient, the same dose may have a vastly different effect on over a wide spectrum of patients. Cyclophosphamide was chosen for our study as similar to oncotherapy; it plays a prominent role throughout other disease groups, mostly in immunology, and is widely used as a part of prolonged therapy. It is also applied in dermatology and pulmonology, although with significantly less impact. Due to this, the characteristics of the potential side effects play a major role, and hopefully, clinical fields of research may soon benefit from the result of our experiments. The importance of cyclophosphamide is suitably demonstrated, as it is included in the WHO list of essential medicines (2015 April).
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Doktori iskolaÁOK Interdiszciplináris Orvostudományok Doktori iskola
TémavezetőLőrinczy Dénes

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