dc.description.abstract | Szerző: Kéri Katalin | Cím: A gyermekkor-történet képi forrásai | In: Molnárné Aczél Eszter - Dománszky Gabriella (szerk.): Tanulmányok Budapest múltjából XLIII : Gyermek/Kor/Kép - Gyermek a magyar képzőművészetben : konferenciakötet : 2017. február 17-18. | Kiadó: Budapesti Történeti Múzeum | Kiadási hely: Budapest | Kiadási év: 2019 | Terjedelem: B/5; 241-264. oldal | ISSN 0238-5597 | Licenc: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 --- PICTORIAL SOURCES OF THE HISTORY OF CHILDHOOD --- There were many endeavours on behalf of researchers worldwide, including Hungary, in the past few years to explore, enumerate, categorize, thematise and analyse the pictorial sources of the history of childhood. Publications, lectures and exhibitions focusing on child-life, children’s culture, family and school education, as well as on child representations in religious and profane pictures signal this process, and there were publications and conferences on the elaboration of the methodology of analysing such pictures too. My lecture gives a short review of the foreign and Hungarian endeavours and their results in the field of picture research related to the history of education and childhood. This review touches on the question what kind of sources may serve as the basis of picture research and points out that in relation to the history of childhood (likewise with history and the wider scientific field of educational history) we might consider every pictorial representation as a source regardless of its genre, technique, time of creation, and artistic or economic value. Artworks provide important information, e.g. paintings, drawings, etchings, sculptures, as well as book and magazine illustrations, personal (family) photos and press images, posters, various small-size prints and of course slide strips and movies. Finally, my lecture points out certain thematic junctions that become pulpable during researching pictorial sources. These thematic fields are illustrated with actual pictures selected from the amazingly rich sources of Hungarian and international history of childhood. | hu |