Browsing KTK Gazdálkodástani Doktori Iskola by Title
Now showing items 119-138 of 141
The Contribution of Decision Making Methods to Business Success
(2017-11-21)The late changes of last century brought about uncommon experiences, not encountered before to the Western Balkan countries on the political, economic, technological, social, ethical perspective and furthermore. Hence ... -
The Energy System of Pécs – A Simulation Model
(2016-03-22) -
The Impact of Population Ageing, Economic Growth on Private Savings in Vietnam
(2019-01-22)In recent decades, population ageing is recognized as a significant issue of most countries in the world. It has happened in almost developed countries and now spreads to less developed ones. Vietnam has entered the so-called ... -
The Negative Effect of E-mails at Work
(2011-11-29) -
The Role of Organizational Culture in a Successful Change process
(2004-05-04)This study examines the organizational culture in the context of organizational change, focusing on the role of culture in the success of the change process. Too many organizations failed in their attempt to change systems ... -
The Role of Tourism in Rural Development Through a Comparative Analysis of a Greek and a Hungarian Rural Tourism Area
(2009-05-12)The rural regions occupy a largely extended part of the European Union and they are characterized as vital for economic growth and social cohesion. Agriculture and forestry represent activities which occupy large fields ... -
The Traits of Necessity Entrepreneurs that Lead to Success
(2019-01-22)This dissertation presents research in the field of entrepreneurship and focuses on the variables that influence the success or failure of the "Necessity Entrepreneurs". There are necessity entrepreneurs such as new ... -
Too Smart to Commit? Effects of Personal Characteristics on Organisational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: Evidence From a High-IQ Network
(2019-10-15)This research project aims to investigate how the personal attribute of intelligence influences the development of individual levels of commitment to the organisation, and how this relationship is affected by overall job ... -
Tőzsdei hírbányászat a magyar részvénypiacon
(2017-10-03)A dolgozat a szöveges formában megjelent információknak a magyar tőzsdei részvényárfolyamokra gyakorolt hatását vizsgálja szövegbányászati módszertan segítségével. A disszertáció az empirikus művek közé sorolható, melynek ... -
Transfer of Training – a suggested course of action for local authorities coping with acute financial distress and ongoing workforce cut off – an Israeli case study
(2013-04-09)Local authorities in many free market economy – based countries as well as welfare economy - based countries, experience acute fiscal distress and ongoing cut- offs in the workforce. For years, many of the local authorities ...