The Interplay of Emotional Intelligence, Job Performance and Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Work Environments at Orange Jordan.
Elérhetővé téve ekkor | 2025-02-27T09:33:51Z |
Szerző | Ayoub Asad Eqab Nayef MTMTID: 10081397 |
Webcím | |
Az értekezés nyelve | Angol |
Az értekezés címe az értekezés nyelvén | The Interplay of Emotional Intelligence, Job Performance and Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Work Environments at Orange Jordan. |
Az értekezés címe magyarul | The Interplay of Emotional Intelligence, Job Performance and Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Work Environments at Orange Jordan. |
Absztrakt az értekezés nyelvén | In recent decades, there has been increasing interest in the research of emotional intelligence (EI) and its relationship with other employee outcomes. EI, which encompasses abilities such as recognizing and managing one's emotions, empathizing with others, and navigating social complexities, has significantly enhanced various aspects of work life. Building on this understanding, this thesis explores the interplay between EI, job performance, and job satisfaction, focusing on the moderation effect of work environments (online/office) on these relationships at Orange Jordan company. The research addresses a notable gap in the existing literature, as there is a lack of studies in the domain of telecom companies in Jordan, underscoring the importance and originality of this research. The study employed a quantitative research design, utilizing a survey to gather primary data, which was subsequently analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v26). The survey incorporated three questionnaires focused on emotional intelligence (EI), job satisfaction, and job performance. Regression analysis was employed in the analysis to examine the relationships between the variables. A total of 185 employees from Orange Jordan participated in the study. The research tested six hypotheses, demonstrating that emotional intelligence has a significant impact on both job satisfaction and job performance. Additionally, job satisfaction was found to influence job performance significantly. Notably, the study revealed that the relationships between emotional intelligence, job performance, and job satisfaction are not significantly affected by the nature of the work environment. The study contributes to the refinement of human resource (HR) models, emphasizing the crucial role of EI in HR development. It expands EI frameworks by suggesting industry-specific approaches and stresses the importance of broadening the geographical scope of EI research beyond Western settings. Additionally, the research highlights the significance of organizational dynamics in influencing the relationship between EI and job outcomes, advocating for longitudinal studies to provide a deeper understanding of these interactions. Given these insights, the thesis outlines several practical recommendations for Orange Jordan. It highlights the importance of developing EI-focused programs tailored to the telecom industry, such as workshops, coaching, and regular assessments to enhance emotional competencies among employees. Leadership training should also prioritise EI to manage emotions in high-stress situations effectively. Additionally, the thesis advocates for fostering social support networks through mentorship and team-building activities, involving employees in EI initiatives, and incorporating EI into recruitment processes. Attention should also be directed towards job satisfaction due to its significant impact on performance. By implementing these strategies, Orange Jordan can strengthen the emotional intelligence of its workforce, leading to improved job performance and satisfaction while maintaining a competitive edge in the telecom industry. |
Kulcsszó (Magyar) | Emotional Intelligence Job Performance Job Satisfaction Orange Jordan Telecom Industry. Work Environment |
Kulcsszó (Angol) | Emotional Intelligence Job Performance Job Satisfaction Orange Jordan Telecom Industry. Work Environment |
Egyetem | Pécsi Tudományegyetem |
Doktori iskola | KTK Gazdálkodástani Doktori Iskola |
Témavezető | Vörös Zsófia |