Rendezett fázis vizsgálata fcc rácsban és nyílt dinamikák visszatérési idejének meghatározása
The need for scientific theories was demanded by the observation of the
surrounding macroscopic events happening from time to time. Such periodic
events were for example the alternation of days and nights, or
the passage and recurrence of the seasons. The observed regularities
suggest the existence of underlying natural law or laws. Taking Earth’s
circulation and rotation into account is necessary for an explanation of
the presented examples. These arguments were already known in ancient
cultures as well, who further noticed that with the passing of a
year the Earth does not return to its exact prior position but to one very
close to it. Their notes however concluded that the Earth after all does
return to its initial place and this time elapsed is called “Great Year”
or “Platonic Year”. The then most accurate calculations carried out by
the Babylonians, who identified one year as 360 days(hence the partition
of the total circle into 360 degrees ) while the Great Year is 36,000