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Elérhetővé téve ekkor2019-11-28T15:19:29Z
Szerző Péterfi István
Az értekezés nyelveMagyar
Az értekezés címe az értekezés nyelvénElektrofiziológia a szülészetben
Az értekezés címe angolulElectrophysiology in Obstetrics
Absztrakt az értekezés nyelvénThere are few methods available for assessing the well-being of the fetus in utero. Examining the frequency of fetal heart rate: cardiotocography (CTG) is essential in daily obstetric practice, however, the sensitivity and specificity of the method should be improved. In case abnormalities are detected on the CTG results, or the amniotic fluid is mecomium stained, the ph value of Fetal Blood Sampling (FBS) may provide further tools for the obstetrician. Since the method is invasive, and the technique is difficult, instead of this sampling, a decision is very often made for a Cesarean section. Additional options are doppler flowmetry and pulse oximetry for assessing the condition of the fetus; however, the indication scope of these methods is relatively narrow. Pulse oximetry is no longer used in obstetric as a gen-eral practice. Over the past two decades there were high expectations in respect of the STAN device (ST Analysis of the Fetal ECG during Intrapartum CTG Monitor-ing). The device monitors the fetal ECG and the changes in the ST segment during delivery, recorded through direct scalp electrodes. Unfortunately, as this device is expensive to use, and it requires expertise, it is not used broadly. The most recent studies have shown that the use of the STAN device did not result in the decrease of Cesarean sections, and therefore the routine application of the device is not rec-ommended.
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