A benignus felnőttkori teratoma gyakorisága, valamint összehasonlító molekuláris (FISH) és immunhisztokémiai vizsgálata a gyermekkori és a felnőttkori malignus esetekkel
The 2004 WHO classification divided testicular teratomas into two main groups, prepubertal or pediatric and postpubertal or adult. Prepubertal type is considered benign, whereas postpubertal type with metastizing potential is considered definitely malignant, the minority of the latter is pure and the majority is part of mixed germ cell tumours, Nevertheless, in the recent years two publications – including our – reported benign teratomas in adults (in postpubertal testis) beyond puberty. In spite of this, all teratomas developing in the postpubertal testis (whether histologically mature or immature) are considered malignant in the clinicopathological practice, thus, chemotherapy is indicated depending on the stage according to the current treatment protocol complemented with retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy (RLA) as required, which is exhausting and redundant in the case of a tumour proven to be benign.