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Elérhetővé téve ekkor2018-11-30T08:07:16Z
Szerző Walter Astrid
Az értekezés nyelveNémet
Az értekezés címe az értekezés nyelvénMöglichkeiten und Grenzen der Drucklosen Injektionsmittel - Applikation in Mauerwerksbaustoffen
Az értekezés címe magyarulA nyomatmentes injekciós nyomás lehetőségei és hatásai - alkalmazása az épületekben
Az értekezés címe angolulPossibilities and Limitations of the Pressureless Injection Method in Masonry Building Materials
Absztrakt az értekezés nyelvénAll over the world, many buildings and in particular cultural monuments are affected by rising damp due to a missing or non-functional horizontal sealing however their preservation would be valuable for future generations. One possible remedy is the application of a subsequent horizontal sealing by means of a pressureless injection method but the results are often varying or even inadequate so that in consequence the method itself is frequently questioned. This phenomenon prompted the fol-lowing research on the possibilities and limitations of the pressureless injection method on com-mon building materials. As a result of the investigations mentioned before, several factors have a limiting effect on the spreading of an injection agent, in which case the prevailing factor is the existing degree of mois-ture penetration of the building material. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to derive a model of the spreading of an injection agent in building materials and therefore it is possible to make a prediction regarding the effect of the sealing. It was also found that the combination of the injection agent used and the build-ing material produces specific results that cannot be transferred to other building material/in-jection agent combinations. In addition to this, it is possible to present the distribution of an injection agent in the building material three-dimensionally with the help of neutron imaging. By means of methods such as Neutron Radiography and Neutron Tomography it can be proven that the distribution of an in-jection agent in the inner part of a building material is not homogenous: the concentration is higher at the edges of the impregnated samples, caused by variations in moisture content. In summary, the results provide valuable information regarding the widely differing sealing re-sults in construction practice and show possibilities for optimizing the planning and execution of the method.
Kulcsszó (Magyar)injekciós szer alkalmazása
lineáris kapcsolat
lineáris regressziós analízis
neutron képalkotó vizsgálatok
Kulcsszó (Angol)application of injection agent
linear regression analysis
linear relationship
neutron imaging investigations
transport of water
EgyetemPécsi Tudományegyetem
Doktori iskolaMIK Breuer Marcell Doktori Iskola

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