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Elérhetővé téve ekkor2017-04-07T12:06:11Z
Szerző Dóczi Zoltán
Az értekezés nyelveAngol
Az értekezés címe az értekezés nyelvénLaw Enforcement Large-Scale IT Systems in EU Internal Security and Migration Policies
Absztrakt az értekezés nyelvénThe abolishment of the internal border checks makes it easier for people to move around. We can travel freely in the Schengen area, which makes for economic, regional and cultural dynamism within Europe and especially at the border areas. Any foreign visitor can travel to all Schengen States on a single visa. At the same time, the Schengen cooperation aims to protect people and their property, since it fosters the cooperation among police forces, customs authorities and external border control authorities of the Member States in order to decrease the security deficit formed with the abolition of internal borders. The Schengen acquis provides systems of communication for police forces, hot pursuit of criminals and the cross - border surveillance of suspects, as well as mutual operational assistance and direct exchanges of information among police authorities. In parallel, strict uniform rules have been adopted to ensure the protection of data and to protect people against any infringement of their fundamental rights. Moreover, mutual assistance in criminal matters lays more emphasis on consequences of law breaching promoting the work of law enforcement agencies with cross - border deterrence.
EgyetemPécsi Tudományegyetem
Doktori iskolaÁJK Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar Doktori Iskola
TémavezetőSzalayné Sándor Erzsébet

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