Browsing KTK Gazdálkodástani Doktori Iskola by Title
Now showing items 5-9 of 9
Exploring Financial Literacy An Empirical Framework for Lebanese-Armenian Minority Students
([2024])Abstract Understanding the best ways to manage one’s financials has been an imperative phenomenon from the day money was introduced to civilization. In contemporary times, research works found that financial literacy which ... -
Investigating Cultural Differences, Risks, and Purchase intention in Cross-border e-commerce: A mixed- method analysis
([2024])The shift from a product-centric approach to a customer-centric approach drives great demand for consumer behaviour and perception knowledge to promote the company’s performance. Especially in cross-border e-commerce (CBEC), ... -
Közösségi finanszírozás mint külső hozzájáruló
([2024])A dolgozat a közösségi finanszírozás vállalati értékteremtő hatását hivatott bemutatni a Davidsson és mtsai. (2020) külső hozzájáruló keretrendszerén keresztül. A közösségi finanszírozás a vállalkozások számára egyedülálló ... -
The Effect of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Behaviors on Innovation and Work Engagement in the Hungarian Fintech Sector
([2024])Leadership behaviors play a vital role in driving organizational performance. As catalysts for transformation, effective leaders can inspire teams, foster innovation, and ensure an organization's viability in an increasingly ... -
Uncovering the Effect of Corporate Governance, Competitiveness, and Distinctive Competence on SMEs Performance in Emerging Countries
([2023])The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the impact of small medium enterprises’ (SMEs) corporate governance (CG) practices on the firm's competitive factors, distinctive competence, and firm performance in ...