Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Activity level and quality of life among patients before and after total knee replacement surgery
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a serious musculoskeletal injury and the leading cause of disability, low activity level, and low quality of life in Hungary and worldwide. Various treatments are currently available to address ...
Validation of Peripheral Artery Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PADQoL) and Measuring Disease-specific Quality of Life among Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) represents a significant burden for both those affected and their environment as well as for society. The thesis provides insight into the epidemiology of PAD with special focus on prevalence, ...
EFFECTS OF ENDOMETRIOSIS ON QUALITY OF LIFE (Benefit of combined hystero-laparoscopic surgery on quality of life and fertility performance in endometriosis)
Background and Aims: The primary aim of my dissertation was to investigate the impact of endometriosis on quality of life and to highlight the positive outcomes of combined hystero-laparoscopic surgery on both quality of ...
Különböző feltárásokkal végzett csípőízületi endoprotetizált betegek életminőségének, valamint betegségterhének vizsgálata az állami és a magánegészségügyi ellátórendszer vonatkozásában
A csípőízületi kopás az egyik leggyakoribb krónikus ízületi megbetegedés, amely jelentős terhet ró a társadalomra és az egészségügyi ellátórendszerre. A csípőprotézis műtét – mely az állami és a magánegészségügyben is ...