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Elérhetővé téve ekkor2023-01-11T09:26:10Z
Szerző Katona Ádám László
Az értekezés nyelveAngol
Az értekezés címe az értekezés nyelvénIntegration of the Passive Air Conduction Systems’ Aerodynamic Design Into Industrial Buildings
Az értekezés címe magyarulA passzív légvezetési rendszerek integrálása, aerodinamikai tervezés az ipari épületekbe
Absztrakt az értekezés nyelvénNew studies and reports are published on a daily basis about the dangers of climate change and its main reason, humanity’s constantly growing population, built floor space and resource consumption. The built environment is responsible for approx. 40 % of the total energy consumption, and a huge portion of energy consumption in buildings comes from heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Numerous previous works assessed the potential of natural ventilation compared to mechanical ventilation and proved their justification on the field. Some of them created databases about the yearly potential of Natural Ventilation (NV) solutions in different meteorological zones, and in some climates NV can be used almost during the whole year, achieving approx. 45% energy conservation. Others are reviewed the different options and aspects of NV from traditional structures to modern examples, and created a wide base of knowledge for NV design. During the development of scientific methods, numerous techniques became available for researchers in aerodynamic topics, and ventilation system designers. Beside modern measuring tools, wind and water tunnels, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are the most widespread device for airflow modeling and analyzing. Maneuvered by educated and experienced engineers and scholars, it is able to replace the previous options, However, even with a few parameter and a simplified method, the general approach consumes a huge amount of preprocessing and computational time for CFD simulations. The possible outlook of this dissertation is an opportunity to combine the experiences with the Energy Design Synthesis, which is a parametric graph based mathematical approach to find optimal solutions for architectural problems. The huge opportunity with this co-operation is the developed strategy’s great potential to reduce time and organizing requirements by created a perfectly general and effective sorting and ranking mechanism for vast amount of geometrical data.
Kulcsszó (Magyar)komplex elemzés
mikroszintű geometria optimalizálás
modell beállítás
passzív kétirányú szellőzés
Kulcsszó (Angol)complex analysis
micro level geometry optimization
Model Set Up
passive bidirectional ventilation
EgyetemPécsi Tudományegyetem
Doktori iskolaMIK Breuer Marcell Doktori Iskola
TémavezetőHáber István Ervin
Kistelegdi István

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