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Elérhetővé téve ekkor2023-01-11T09:26:03Z
Szerző Ben Dhaou Ons
Az értekezés nyelveAngol
Az értekezés címe az értekezés nyelvénDesigning Street Furniture: Principles and Criterias to Provide Adequate Approaches to Enhance the Quality of Life in Urban Spaces
Az értekezés címe magyarulUtca bútorok tervezése: Alapelvek és kritériumok a megfelelő megközelítések biztosításhoz a városi terek életminősége javítására
Absztrakt az értekezés nyelvénIn the face of global warming and the global health crisis, how should we rethink our cities and streets to make them more pleasant, livable, and sustainable? Should we promote well-being? Should we prioritize the functional city? Should we develop a smart city? What if street furniture were the critical issue in transforming tomorrow's urban streets? Street furniture could not only help to refresh streets, neighborhoods, and cities but also promote sustainable mobility, increase the comfort of citizens in public spaces, and encourage community living. Public spaces evolve, and change: and so does street furniture. Users' and residents' expectations are increasing in street furniture, which is becoming a challenge for cities and municipalities. Today, cities must provide the population with an increasingly pleasant experience in urban spaces but also make these spaces attractive and appealing. There is nothing like sunbathing in a public square with beautiful deckchairs, and nothing better than taking a break in a park by sitting on a comfortable and ergonomic public bench. The primary role of street furniture is to meet the expectations of residents and users. In addition, urban development must also make it possible to embellish public space and make it more attractive. Comfort, solidity, resistance, ergonomics, design, and style are now an integral part of the design of public spaces.
Kulcsszó (Magyar)fenntartható tervezés
részvételen alapuló megközelítés
társadalmi integráció
utcai bútorok tervezése
Kulcsszó (Angol)Eco-design
Participative approach
Social integration
Street furniture design
Sustainable Design
Urban Development
EgyetemPécsi Tudományegyetem
Doktori iskolaMIK Breuer Marcell Doktori Iskola
TémavezetőGall Anthony
Vasváry-Nádor Norbert

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