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Elérhetővé téve ekkor2018-05-31T12:43:14Z
Szerző Wang Jie
Az értekezés nyelveAngol
Az értekezés címe az értekezés nyelvénApplied Research on Semiotics in Interior Design
Az értekezés címe magyarulAlkalmazott design a belső építészetben
Absztrakt az értekezés nyelvénSymbol is the foundation of human society, and the process of human socialization is also the process of symbolization. As a kind of creative social activities of human beings, design has the typical symbolic characteristics. Human design activities are closely related to symbols, design symbol is a kind of non-verbal symbol and the basic element in the design. Semiotics research has been widely applied to various disciplines in foreign countries, currently it has been the key and hot topic in the field of art study. However, most of the artistic aesthetic semiotics are only applied to fine art disciplines such as art and music. In recent years, it has been gradually infiltrated the fields of architecture and art design. The application of epistemology and methodology of semiotics in the field of interior design can make a useful attempt for the practical application of design semiotics, and can also open up a new research field for interior design theory and practice. This thesis closely focuses on the issue of application of symbol in interior design. First of all, based on the analysis of relevant research background, research contents and concepts, combined with the research literature at home and abroad, trying to find the corresponding point between symbol and interior design from a new perspective , so to analyze the meaning, the content of the subject and research methods; to further discuss the symbol and semiotics’s theory, history and development, as well as the concept and communicate functions of interior design "symbol", so to lay a theoretical foundation for the future research; Secondly, It mainly and detailed analyzes the symbolic system of interior design - the modeling, the color, the material, and its unique law of design symbolic, which is the cross and synthesis of art and science, it not only satisfies certain practical functions, but also satisfies people's aesthetic need. Finally, from the point of view of semiotics, this paper explores the application rules, methods and build principles of symbols in interior design, and combining with this issue, carried out the relevant exploration of practical design, and applies it to several design cases, which detailed elaborates and demonstrates how semiotics works and plays an important role in interior design. This article breaks through the traditional perspective of the interior design research, abstracts the interior design into the symbol and the sign system, and uses semiotics techniques and theoretical tools to explore the interior design methods, initially establishes the category of the interior design symbol system; hoping to find out more features of interior design symbols make the convey of design information be more scientific and accurate, and better sum up the cultural background and spiritual connotation hidden behind the interior design symbols, and reflect the relationship between the interior design form and content from the table and inside, to provide modeling and cultural basis for today's interior design, so that our interior design can better meet the people’s needs of interior environment.
Kulcsszó (Magyar)anyag
belső tér
Kulcsszó (Angol)color
interior design
EgyetemPécsi Tudományegyetem
Doktori iskolaMIK Breuer Marcell Doktori Iskola

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